How To Change Adsense Hosted Account To Adsense Normal Account

There is not much difference between Adsense Hosted Account and Normal Account in user interface, you’ll see only a small label of Hosted Account at the top-right corner but the main problem (or limitation) is that, from Adsense Hosted Accounts, you can’t use Adsense in custom domains/websites. You can’t create your own ad unit or grab ad code.

Many readers used the trick to get adsense approval easily and some of then even get approved but they were continuously asking me to how to upgrade their adsense hosted account to normal account. So, I thought to write separate article for it. What here is.


Before applying for Normal Google Adsense account, you need to have a custom domain in your hand and few things (what I am telling below) in your mind.
  • You should have approved Google Adsense Hosted Account.
  • Your website must be a Top-level domain. Use .com, .net and .org.
  • Website should have high-quality and enough content.
  • Make sure it’s getting optimized perfectly and gaining traffic from Search engines (especially Google).
  • Website should be fast and good-looking.
  • Proper navigation menu should be available at obvious locations (at header at least).

How To Upgrade Adsense Hosted Account To Normal?

Follow these steps to change your Adsense Hosted Account to the normal one:
Step #1: Sign in to your Adsense account.
Step #2: From the Home Tab, Navigate to Account Settings.

Step #3: Scroll down to Access and authorization section and click edit available for the field “Sites authorized to show ads”.
Step #4: Now, enter the website’s URL where you want to show the ads in provided field.
Step #5: Click Submit.

Now, Adsense will take a first review to your website and mail you to create ad unit and put ad code on the submitted domain name via email, when your websites will get approved from the first review.
Step #6: Sign-in to your Adsnese account again. Navigate to Ad units from My Ads Tab.

Step #7: Create an ad unit by specifying name, size, color and grab its code.
Step #8: Put the code at your website.
All done on your part. Now Google Adsense team will manually review your website and let you know if your website is approved or not. This second review can take from few days to a week.
When your website will get approved from Adsense, Hosted account label will get removed from your Adsense account and you’ll create any number of ad units, grab their codes and use at any number of sites. :)

Easy 6 steps to 1,000 daily blog visitors

1. Don’t fall for blogging scams.
Be wary of outfits that make bombastic promises of turning your blog into an instant cash-generating machine, like “Beat any competitor to Google’s first page in less than a week!” and “Make money while you sleep.” Remember that to grow a blog’s reach, you have to start at the beginning and work your way up, one step at a time. In blogging, as in life, get-rich-quick schemes only work for the ones selling the schemes.
2. Start with great content.
Before you tell people about your blog, create good content for them to read when they get there. I’m not talking about the lists of “five books your customers need to know,” or “top five software solutions you should consider"—these type of articles are the garbage liner of the Internet. Instead, create content that is unique and valuable. Do you have insider industry news? How about addressing the real questions and challenges faced by your customers, with posts that are detailed and valuable, offering real solutions? Give them something to talk (or tweet) about. Don’t worry about giving too much information away—in the world of blogging, the more you give, the more will come back to you.
3. Tell everyone you know.
Once you’ve created blog content that will impress, reach out to everyone you know via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, telephone, and any other way you can think of. Tell them your goals for the blog, and ask for their feedback—either via email, or better yet, in the comments section. You can even ask them to help spread the word. Expect to get about 10 to 20 unique visitors per day once you are past the initial spike of one-time curiosity seekers.
4. Start building a community.
Invest an afternoon in finding well-written, engaging blogs that are fairly new and getting less than 10 to 15 comments per post. Leave comments and invite the bloggers to write guest posts on your blog. They will probably be thrilled at the opportunity for exposure to your audience, and will tell everyone they know about it. And best of all, your network will thank you for the good but obscure content you’re sending their way. This will bring you up to the range of 50 to 100 unique visitors per day.
5. Borrow some authority.
Now that you have great content on your site, with good traffic and reviews from your blogging community, it’s time to boost your traffic numbers to 200 to 400 unique visitors per day. Do this by guest-posting on bigger blogs within your space. First, find a handful of blogs you like with an Alexa ranking of 100,000 or lower. Second, familiarize yourself with each one, and figure out what its readers will like. Third, leave insightful comments on three or more posts. Fourth, send the bloggers a short email pitching your guest blog ideas. When they say yes, send a draft within a couple of days, and be active and gracious when responding to comments.
6. Get viral.
Once you have more than 200 unique visitors per day, it’s time to get viral. Here are two ideas: (1) Run a series of excellent posts about your subject and add an incentive for sharing, such as a drawing people can enter when they comment. (2) Create an awesome piece of content and give it away in exchange for sharing it on Twitter or Facebook. (You can do this with a free service such as Cloud:flood or Pay with a Tweet). A couple of these campaigns, properly executed, should bring you up to 500 to 1,000-plus unique visitors.
When is the right time to monetize a blog? When readers love your content, selling is easy and there are many ways to do it. What is essential, though, is to focus on building that audience. When people ask why a site isn’t making money, often the answer is because nobody is visiting it. Growing your audience first will solve that problem. There are many ways to turn your blog readers into repeat visitors and buyers on your website. Google posted a valuable article with 108 conversion optimization tips—a great example of how good content can turn blog readers into customers.

طرق زيادة عدد زوار مدونتك

السلام عليكم انشاء الله في هذه التدوينة سوف اريك عدة طرق لزيادة زوار مدونتك 

1- اعمل خريطة لموقعك او مدونتك وانشرها بجوجل وذلك من خلال ادوات مشرفي المواقع بجوجل
2- نشر احدث مواضيعك بمواقع النشر الاجتماعية مثل صفحات الفيسبوك وتويتر3- استخدم محتوى حصري وهادف وغير منقول من المدونات الاخرى 
4- اضف زرار اعجبني للفيس بوك لمدونتك 
5 - الاهتمام بالمحتوى ذو الشعبية فعليك عمل بحث عن اكثر المواضيع والاخبار والمقالات ذات الشعبية والتي تستطيع تقديمها والكتابة فيها وتعمل عنها مواضيع كثيرة بموقعك او منتداك
6 - قدم شيء مجاني بمدونتك مثل كتب الكترونية قوالب بلوجر او وردبريس ثيمات جاهزة و مجانية او ستايلات للمنتديات وذلك سوف يكسبك الكثير من الزوار الذين يبحثون عن هذه الاشياء المجانية
7-ان كان لديك مع برامج التصميم مثل الفوتوشوب اعمل تصميم لوجوهات او بانرات الخ 
8- اذا كنت تستيطيع صرف بعض المال قم بعمل مسابقات وذلك من خلال مسابقة افضل موضوع وافضل عضو واعرض جوائز مادية للفائز او دومينات الخ
9- الاهتمام بعنوان موضوعك
وذلك عن طريق استخدام عنوان ملفت للانتباه وجاذب للزائر وحاول ادراج الارقام بعناوين مواضيعك مثل
احصل على 1000 زائر بطريقة سهلة
او احصل على حساب ادسنس في 5 ساعات
مثل هذه العناوين تجذب اهتمام الزائر بشكل كبير
10- الاهتمام بمسك كلمات بحثية ودلالية وذلك بمحاولة التركيز على كلمة معينة لتتصدر بها نتائج البحث
11- لا تنسى الادلة ذات البيج رانك العالي فهي مجانية وسهل الاضافة بها وتكسبك باك لينكس جيدة
12- تبادل الروابط والزيارات وهناك العديد من المواقع المجانية التي تقدم هذه الخدمة كالتبادل الاعلاني
13- استخدام الاقسام الاعلانية المجانية بالمنتديات وهذه الطريقة سوف تكسبك عدد جيد من الزوار وباك لينك لا بأس به
14- ومن الطرق المدفوعة استخدام اعلانات ادوردس او الفيسبوك او اعلانات بمواقع ذات ترافيك عالي 

انا متأكد ان الموضوع مكرر الكن لكل شخص طريقة شرح اوتمنى ان اكون قد وفقت في شرحي وشكرأأ 

Easy 5 Tips to Getting Return Visitors on Your Website

Having people discover and view your business’s website is one thing, but ensuring they’ll come back is another thing entirely.return

Getting people to return to your site is all about providing them with a reason to do so. Below, we look at 5 helpful steps to get your visitors coming back.

1. Simple website design

A huge hurdle for returning visitors can be if your website is poorly designed. Poor design usually comes from the likes of cluttered content and confused navigation. If you don’t give your visitors a good first impression of your website, they’ll be less inclined to return. If your site is very badly designed, they’ll most likely never come back.

2. Keep your site fresh

A static website is the same as static on a TV - it becomes boring and really doesn’t offer anything for the viewer. If your site doesn’t offer new content on a consistent basis, people will lose interest in your site fast. Why would they come back if they have no reason to?

So submit new blogs, update your news, start discussions on your site, etc. Anything that is new and piques visitors' interest will give them more incentive to come back and continue coming back.

3. Integrate social media

If you don’t have a presence for your business on social media sites, then you should. Not only does it increase your exposure, but it also gives you the ability to entice people into visiting your website through other channels.

Interacting with your fans on a site such as Facebook gives them greater confidence in your business. Confidence leads to more site visitors who will have a greater reason to return. Additionally, you can post links that lead back to your site that people may find valuable.

4. Mailing lists/lead nurturing

Be sure to have an option on your site where people can subscribe to a mailing list or arrive at a landing page where they could become a lead. From there, have mailing/lead nurturing campaigns that remind your visitors of your site and any new content it has. The occasional reminder will maintain people’s interest in your site.

5. Make your website enjoyable

When people are wanting to learn about a service or product, they don’t want to be hit with a bunch of nonsensical jargon. They want the content to be informative but easy to digest. In a way, they want to enjoy themselves.

So make sure your content is accessible and keeps your reader intrigued. Don’t be afraid to use humour, either. People appreciate simple enjoyment while learning.

Build your website with these five tips in mind and you’ll be assured more return visitors.

أفضل 4 طرق للربح من الأنترنت

1 : الطريقة الاولى : اختصار الروابط 

الربح من اختصار الروابط هي أسهل طريقة لكسب المال بنظري ، ففيها انت لا تحتاج لشيء يذكر سوى اتصال بالانترنت و روابط لتختصرها ثم تجني من كل شخص يضغط على ذلك الرابط . كان العديد يسترزقون من الروابط المختصرة عبر وسائط تدعم أكواد الأدسنس ، لكن السياسات الجديدة لجوجل تمنع ذلك الان . نحن لن نتعاقد مع شركة اعلانات لنختصر روابطنا باعلاناتها أو عبر سكريبت كما حال خدمات ك TakeMyFile أو تلك الاختصارات التي تزعج الزائر بحيث تظهر له الرابط الحقيقي أسفل الصفحة في مكان غير واضح أو قد لا يظهر الرابط أبدا . سنختصر روابطنا عبر خدمة  AdfLy ، الخدمة معروفة لدى الكثيرين من أصحاب المجال ، تعتمد على اختصار الروابط لمدة 5 ثواني ثم يطلب من الزائر التوجه لصفحة التحميل بكل بساطة ، الخدمة تدفع عبر الألرت باي ، ثمن الزيارة يختلف حسب المكان الذي أتت منه ، زيارة من بنغلادش ليست هي زيارة من كندا .  باختصار 1000 زيارة من دول الدرجة الأولى ب 4 دولار ، الدرجة الثانية 3 و الدرجات الثالثة و الرابعة 2 أو أقل سترى تصنيف الدول في طريقة الربح من رفع الملفات . 

التسجيل سهل مثل الطريقة ادخل إلى الموقع من هنا ، اضغط على Join now املأ البيانات كما المعتاد ايميل ، اسم مستخدم ، نوعية الحساب اتركها link shrinker ،علم الموافقة على الشروط وفعل الحساب من خلال خدمة الايميل التي قدمتها لهم .

نصائح : 
اختصر الروابط المؤدية إلى مواقع التحميل ، و التي تحتوي على برامج ، أفلام فهي تنتج مدخولا جيدا و لا يجدها الزائر مزعجة لأنه اعتاد عليها .
استهدف المواقع الأجنبية فكما ذكرت سابقا ، هناك فرق كبير  بين 4 دولار و 2 دولار .
لا تختصر الروابط الداخلية داخل موقعك أو تختصر رابطا يؤدي إلى موقعك من مصدر آخر فهذا سيء بمعايير السيو .

2: الربح من رفع الملفات 

سأحاول أن أجعل الربح من الرفع أسهل للفهم بأقل قدر ممكن من الوقت ، فقد تأخذ هذه الطريقة الموضوع كله .
قبل ان تقرأ كلمة واحدة إضافية في هذه الفقرة ، إذا لم تكن تتوفر على اتصال يقدر ب 8 ميجا على الأقل و أقول على الأقل أو    Remote Desktop  RDP، فتجاوز هذه الطريقة ، الدونلود هو ضعف الآبلود 7 مرات يعني إذا كنت تحمل الملفات بسرعة 256 كيلو في الثانية فإن سرعة الرفع هي 32 كيلو في الثانية ، ملف حجمه 400 ميغا قد يلزمك يوم بكامله لرفعه و هذا غير عملي بتاتا . أنا لا أحترف هذه الطريقة لهذا السبب ، أكمل .

مواقع الرفع كثيرة كالنمل بعضها ممتاز ، الاخر جيد ، و الباقي تنشيط للأنترنت . لا شك أن أقوى موقعين هما الميديافاير و الميغاأبلود ( الله يرحمه )، كلنا نحب أن نحمل من هاته المواقع إنها رائعة صحيح ، هذا بالنسبة للزائر ، لكن ليس بالنسبة للرافع الذي أتعب نفسه في إعداد ما ستحمله أنت بكل يسر ، و أحيانا قد تقول له " رابط سيء ، ضع ميديافاير او ارحمنا من مواضيعك " صدق او لا تصدق سمعت هذه المقولة كثيرا في بعض الردود . أنا مثلا أحمل من المواقع المدفوعة رغم وجود الميديافاير على اللائحة . هل تعرف لماذا ؟  لأنني أقدر مجهود الرافع فأنا أعرف معاناة التحميل ووضع الترجمة و إعادة الرفع .... نعود لموضوعنا ، في الوقت الحالي ليس هناك مواقع قد أقترحها عليك لأنه بسبب SOPA تم حذف أغلب هذا الجزء من المقال ، أنت حر في اختيار المواقع التي تريد الرفع عليها ما يمكنني ان أفيدك به الان هو هذا الموضوع الذي أعددته. يمكنك معرفة المزيد من خلال موضوع 9 نصائح لتزيد أرباحك من رفع الملفات . الآن لنذهب للطريقة الأخرى .

3: الربح من الشركات الربحية PTC 

حقا ، أكيد هذي خدعة . مواقع السنت التي يعرفها الجميع على انها نصابة و التي يلزمك فيها شهر كامل لتحصل على دولارين .  نعم ، نعم . إذا عرفت كيف تتعامل جيدا مع هذه المواقع ، يمكنك ان تربح حتى مصروفك الشهري صدقني . لكن لماذا وضعتها على أنها طريقة صعبة ؟ لأنها تتطلب إحضار الريفيرال و يجب أن يكون نشيطا أي يضغط يوميا و عليك أنت أيضا ان تضغط يوميا لتتسلم أرباحك من هذا الريفيرال . و هذا النوع من الريفيرال صعب الاستهداف و يتطلب مجهودا إضافيا . مواقع السنت تتطلب استثمارا في الأموال و بداهة في تمييز المواقع النصابة من الصادقة  لذلك تجد ان الأغلبية يسبون هذه الشركات . لأنهم يتعرضون للنصب ، لأنهم أيضا يعتقدون ان الربح من هذه المواقع يتطلب منك ان تضغط شخصيا و لوحدك على الاعلانات . لا و ألف لا ضغطاتك تشكل فقط 0.0001 من الأرباح  إذا كان لديك عدد كبير من الريفيرال و إلا كيف تفسر ان هناك أشخاصا يجنون منها 200 دولار شهريا ، ممكن هذول يضغطون على إعلان بدولار للنقرة . بناءا عليه إذا لم تحصل على أي ريفيرال أبصم لك بالعشرة على انك ستستسلم بسهولة للفشل في هذه الطريقة . دون إطالة أنظر الموضوع التالي به شرح مفصل لأصدق شركة على الاطلاق .

4: اربح من مهاراتك  

هل لديك مواهب معينة ؟ كتابة المقالات ( خاصة كتابة المقالات بالانجليزية)، التصميم ، صنع فيديوهات الأفترإفكتس ، ترجمة احترافية .... ما تعتقد أنه شيء بديهي هناك شخص آخر مستعد ليدفع مقابله مالا . إذا كنت تجيد شيئا ما فيمكنك بيعه على Elance  ، Odesk ، أو Fiverr . لا تخجل بطلب المساعدة سأساعدك على هاته المواقع أكرر المهم أن يكون لديك احترافية في المجال الذي تريد فيه بيع خدماتك .مقدار  الربح هنا يعتمد على مهاراتك و سرعتك في إنجاز العمل . الانجليزية هنا مطلوبة بشكل كبير .

طبق ، باشر بالعمل ماذا تنتظر خذ طريقة تحس بأنك ستعطي فيها الكثير . حاول احترافها و لما تنتهي إذهب لطريقة أخرى لتحاول ، كل طريقة هنا لديها مواضيع بالمدونة تشرحها كفاية . هذا الموضوع هو قلب المدونة في هذه المرحلة من رحلة الربح من الانترنت ، لا تتفرج على المعلومات و تأتي لتلومني ، المعطيات التي قدمتها لك يمكنني ان اترجمها و ابيعها بعشرات الدولارات . تذكر أن هذه مدونة تكوينية و الهدف الأساسي من هذا الموضوع ليس ربح المال لاستلامه و إنما لاستثماره لاحقا في طرق مربحة بالمعنى الحقيقي . أريد أن أعقد معك اتفاقا لتمر للمستوى الثاني من الربح من النت ، أريدك أن تجمع 20 دولار على بايبال مفعل فقط خلال مدة شهر هل تقبل التحدي؟ هكذا يكون الجزء الأول من المدونة انتهى سأنتظرك لأقلع بك في طرق ربح أخرى أكثر تقدما .  أعط تقييما للموضوع +1. إذا كانت لديك أية استفسارات حول هذه الطرق أو أفكار أفضل للربح من النت  فارتساماتك دائما مرحب بها

الحل النهائي لتفعيل حساب ادسنس .. فى حالة عدم وصول البن كود للمرة التالتة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نبدأ إن شاء الله الشرح ... 

الأول ندخل على الحساب بتاعنا .. 

سنجد ان الدفع معلق .. نضغط على More Details او المزيد من المعلومات .. على حسب لغة حسابك 

بعد الضغط سنجد Enter Your pin و ادخل الرمز ..

فى حالة طلب البين كود .. سنجد فى الأسفل .. 

بعض الكلام فيما معناه انه بأمكانك ان تفعل حسابك بدون وصول الرمز ... 

نضغط على كلمة this form و بعد ذلك نكمل الخطوات 

نضع البيانات ثم نقوم برفع .. صورة للبطاقة او صورة من جواب من البنك او فاتورة تليفون .. طبعا متاخدة بالسكانر .. علشان تكون واضحة فيها الأسم و العنوان .. كما سجلت فى ادسنس .. 

و لن تحتاج بعد ذلك لأنتظار البن كود ... 

Easy Making Money Online With Google Adsense

How to Make Money With AdSense
1. Understand how AdSense Works
In order to make good profit from AdSense, it’s not enough to just sign up and start publishing ads. First you must know its rules – so that you don’t break them – and its payout method – so that you can develop your strategy accordingly. Take a look at Google’s AdSense center to begin learning.
2. Choose profitable keywords
Even if you already have an existing web site, in order to make money with AdSense you need to choose the most profitable keywords within your niche. If you plan on writing your own content (as opposed to hiring freelancers or copywriters), it is also crucial that you know something about the subjects of those keywords and can research and write useful material on them.
3. Create useful, keyword-rich content
Once you have chosen your keywords, you can actively start creating content while keeping those keywords in mind. Don’t start keyword-spamming, because users will not find your site useful, and while they might click on an ad just to get away from your page, that’s not a profitable or traffic-building strategy. If your content doesn’t make sense, you also risk getting banned by Google; not just the AdSense program but the search engine too!
4. Place your ads strategically.
The placement of your ads within your content really matters. The optimum placement will of course depend on your design and the placement of your text. You also have the choice between image, text and video-based ads, and how well one works for you will depend on your readership, the type of your content and primarily your existing web design. Many WordPress themes and the like come already enabled for displaying ads, but don’t let that prevent you from trying different options and choosing for yourself which one has the best ROI.
5. Build traffic
The more traffic your site has, the more users will click on your ads – it’s that simple. Traffic building is a whole another blog post, but remember that it goes hand in hand with creating useful, keyword-oriented content!
Making money with AdSense is easy – once you understand the program and follow some simple strategies for maximizing your profits, it’s truly a program you can “set and forget”!

clik here

What To Do If Google AdSense Expels You From Their Advertising Program

The Rules By Content And Conduct


The content that you have on your site has to comply with Google AdSense policies; otherwise you will be expelled immediately. Some of the key points that you have to keep in mind when you create your Google AdSense account are:
  • Your website cannot have any adult or “mature” content
  • You cannot hack
  • Any excessive use of offense language is forbidden, as is violent content, racially abusive material, or any material that shows religious intolerance
  • If your site promotes the use of illegal drugs or paraphernalia, forget it
  • Your site cannot have any casino or gambling-related material
  • Copyright material is not acceptable
  • Any sites that have repetitive and irrelevant keywords in code or content is not allowed
  • Websites that promote or sell weapons and weapon related materials, alcohol, tobacco, replica goods or prescription drugs will not be allowed into the Google AdSense program


Once your site has been accepted into the Google AdSense program, it’s important to keep following their rules of conduct to ensure that you can stay n the program. Some of the rules are:
  • If you encourage visitors to click on your Google AdSense ads, you’ll find yourself kicked out of the program in no time
  • Don’t try to confuse your visitors by covering up ads with text or images
  • No ads may be placed on page that have no content, error pages, contact forms or registration pages. Pop-up pages also cannot have ads.
  • Don’t even think about trying to use any automated bots to try and increase the amounts of clicks that you get
  • If you create or participate in a “click group,” you will be banned. You may think that you have clever ways of keeping the group a secret, but you’d be amazed how easily it can detect these groups
  • You cannot overpopulate your page with ads. The maximum allowed may change, but currently you can have: 3 ad unit, 2 search boxes, 2 referrals and 1 link unit

  • Do not create more than one Google AdSense account. You can add all of your different sites to the one account anyway

Is There Any Way To Reverse An Expulsion?

It depends on what you were expelled for, but most cases of expulsion deal with “click fraud,” meaning that you or someone who is linked to you is clicking on your ads so that you make more money.
Google has hard policies and they have no problem expelling anyone from their program. Even if you do have some proof that you have not been fraudulent (i.e. tracking different IP addresses as proof that you did not commit fraud), Google doesn’t seem to have the time or manpower to deal with such matters.

What Are Aome Google AdSense Alternatives?

An alternative that immediately comes to mind or a lot of users are the big names, such as DoubleClick (though it has been bought Google). Unfortunately, such large businesses are only interested in large companies and corporations themselves, so bloggers who just want to make a few extra bucks on the side will be completely ignored.
There are a lot of bad advertising companies out there for smaller businesses and bloggers, but below are some of the better and more profitable alternatives:


A big appeal to Adbrite is the fact that being accepted into the program is extremely easy. Even if you have very little content, chances are they will accept you. There are customizable ad formats and more options available, such as full page ads and inline ads, and publishers can even manually approve the ads.
The terms and conditions are not nearly as strict as AdSense, and they will not ban publishers. This advertising network also is highly trusted and has a great payment history. So why not go with this ad company in the first place?
The advertising that is on your blog or site may very well not be related to the content, and adult content will also appear. This can drive a lot of traffic away from your site and blog. Adbrite also has a far lower CPC than AdSense, so you probably will make less money with it.


What makes Bidvertiser more appealing than Google AdSense is immediately that it has a low payout threshold. Adbrite has a payout threshold of $5, Bidvertiser is $10, but AdSense requires you to make $100USD before they pay you. Bidvertiser also allows you to be paid out by PayPal, which makes receiving the payment far easier than AdSense which does not support PayPal payments.
You can manually approve ads, you can see how much money all of the advertisers are bidding for the ads to appear on your site, and it’s absolutely free. You also have the option to have the ad links open up in a separate window, whereas AdSense will open up links in the same window.
As with Adbrite however, most of the ads were irrelevant to the content on the site or blog. This tends not to happen with Google AdSense due to their ability to link advertisements through niche and keywords. The payout with AdSense is also higher than those on Bidvertiser.
All in all, the easiest thing to do to make good and reliable cash with your blog’s online advertising is to follow AdSense’s rules and regulations. If you have websites that may not have the appropriate content to comply with Google AdSense’s rules and regulations, you may want to consider setting up an account with either of the above two companies instead which have more lenient policies.

Google Adsense Alternative For Blog Monetization (Qadabra)

Qadabra aims to become the most recognizable name in self-serve display advertising, focusing on maximizing eCPMs through performance based algorithms (that means you make more money from every click).
Quick Look:
  • $1 minimum payment
  • No minimum impression volume
  • Built in optimization algorithm
  • Banners go live the second after creation
  • Supports all geographic locations
  • Rich media creative
  • Live and advanced reporting system
  • Dedicated support team
You can sign up with them in as little a 15 seconds, create your ad placements, and letQadabra do the rest.
So if you’re looking for an alternative to Google Adsense, check out Qadabra and let us know what you think.

Easy Google AdSense Tips With Great Results 2014

Here are some easy Adsense tips that will give you great results.

1. Use Better Keywords

Keywords are the bread and butter of all these earnings. If you’re using highly competitive keywords you’re not going to rank as well as if you were using lower competitive keywords. The Google AdWords Tools is great for finding low competition keywords for your articles and blog posts. This is a free tool offered by Google, but there are more powerful tools out there like Market Samuri and Keyword Elite. These are trusted names and work very well.

2. Have Proper Keyword Density

Check your keyword density before you post an article onto your website or blog. Your keyword density is going to determine the relevance to your niche and will improve your trafficin the search engines. It’s pretty much a given that when you have more traffic you’re going to get more clicks.
However, your keyword density is also going to determine the kinds of advertising is posted onto your site. There is nothing worse than having a niche site for toddles and having an Adsense ad that has to do with body cream. Use a keyword density tool so your post isn’t marked as spam. This will also help you in the even that you need to boost the density.

3. Put Up New Content

Writing new content every day is not some great revelation, but it is proven to generate traffic to your website. Make sure that you are using the best keywords and the best keyword density in your posts. Try to post a new page to your website every day. When you post a new page you are increasing the chances that somebody will click on your ads.

4. Choose The Best Formats

Adsense comes in a lot of different formats. When you’re choosing the format for your blog or website, you want to use the banners for the top part of your website and the squares for the sides. The best formats are the 336×280 large rectangle ads, 160×600 skyscraper ads and the 300×250 medium rectangle ads. These are more aesthetically appealing to the reader and present the text in a readable format.

5. Color Coordinate The Ads

When you’re using Google AdSense with your website, you want to make sure that the ads look like they are part of the site. People are more likely to click on something that doesn’t look like an ad. You want to make it look like they are clicking on a link that will take them to a different page on your site.
Make sure that the border colors, the background colors, link colors and the text colors all match your site. You can do this through the control panel. You can even rotate the color palettes to make create a variety of colors when somebody visits your site.

6. Position The Ads Well

The position that your ads are in is very important to getting clicks. When somebody comes to your website, they scan the headlines to see if the information is relevant to their search. Using the links as navigational links around your website is one of the best methods of positioning.
Put your links at the top and bottom of the content pages instead of on the side. Remember that you want the links to look like they’re part of your site. When you position them between at the top and bottom of your content pages you are more likely to get clicks.

7. Don’t Use Too Many Ads

You can go overboard with your ads. Having too advertising on your website will leave the reader wondering what they need to click for information. This can also look like spamming, something that you never want to do.
Readers are humans and they don’t want a website that is specifically made for Google AdSense. They are there for your content so make sure that the content comes before the ads. Two to three ads on your site is the best amount to have.

Alternatives To Google AdSense 2014

1. Qadabra

Qadabra aims to become the most recognizable name in self-serve display advertising, focusing on maximizing eCPMs through performance based algorithms (that means you make more money from every click).
Quick Look:
  • $1 minimum payment
  • No minimum impression volume
  • Built in optimization algorithm
  • Banners go live the second after creation
  • Supports all geographic locations
  • Rich media creative
  • Live and advanced reporting system
  • Dedicated support team
You can sign up with them in as little a 15 seconds, create your ad placements, and let Qadabra do the rest.

2. Clicksor

If you’re a small publisher, then you’re going to love Clicksor. Their payouts are pretty big, and the cost per click bid values are pretty good so you can actually earn decent cash for once. This is perhaps the single reason why bloggers love them!
Unlike some other sites, however, Clicksor does have slightly more strict guidelines – though not nearly as strict as Google. For instance, you are only to place one copy of their code on a page (though there is evidence that if you place only DHTML code or a single pop-up code on a page, you can get away with putting several context-sensitive advertisement blocks on your site).
And speaking of context, that’s another reason why people love Clicksor – their ads have time and time again proven to be context sensitive. So while keywords are still a great idea, this advertising tool is smart enough to “read” your page and then show ads that are targeted to all of the content on your site. This is a huge benefit. Your visitors are exposed to advertisements that match the search query they entered, which means that you will definitely have a higher click through ratio as a result and make more money.
As for the ad types, you can expect to find several, including:
  • Image ads
  • Text ads
  • Flash ads
  • Banners
  • Pop-unders
  • Animation ads
  • DHTML or Dynamic highlighting
  • Interstitial ads
As with AdBrite, give Clicksor about 24 hours to work properly on your site.

3. Bidvertiser

One thing that’s really cool about Bidvertiser is that you have a whole lot of options when it comes to ad formats. In fact, you can even make your very own ads! With “free design” you’re able to specify exactly how you want your ads to look and their dimensions. Also, for anyone who isn’t too experienced with web design, Bidvertiser also offers a “point-and-click” tool that will help you format any advertisement so that it goes with the look and feel of your website.
What really makes Bidvertiser worth mentioning on our list, apart from being an excellent AdSense competitor in almost every sense, is that they have features that can further help increase your earnings. One of these is the Revenue Generating Toolbar. This toolbar allows you to provide your very own customized toolbar to anyone who visits your site. When a user uses your toolbar, you will then earn more money. The toolbar is 100% customizable, meaning you can put your logo on it, add links, and include other useful tools.

The other thing that we really like is the conversion bonus. Bidvertiser will now not only track the cost per click, but it will also track if any of the clicks actually lead to a sale. If it does, then you receive a conversion bonus! If you’re able to generate a ton of high value leads on a consistent basis, then you can expect to make a nice sizeable bonus every single month (and in this case, the bonus will be even better than the CPC payout!).
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